A Cloth Merchant

Spring break shorts for boys!

Nanette Webb

Great oliver +s shorts! Just in time for spring break! These oliver + s sketchbook shorts are the easiest and best-looking shorts pattern ever to make for the boys in your life! Aside from PJ bottoms, I have a hard time finding cool things to make for my son. He is 10 and is very […]

Reverse Shibori Moneta

Nanette Webb

I bleached my dress, on purpose. A friend, who got married in a very small ceremony after college, invited me to a “celebration of marriage” dinner at Siam Cafe (which is so delicious, and the first time I’ve ever eaten jellyfish). After the dinner I had to meet my parents at the Phantasy in Lakewood […]

Sewaholic Hollyburn Skirt

Nanette Webb

I admittedly had a hard time with this skirt. I was really dragging my feet when it came to working on it, and struggled to find motivation to finish it. Not that it was a difficult make; I just made it in such a summery material that, at this time of year, I have a […]

Colette Albion Coats

Nanette Webb

Finally! Here are the Colette Albion Coats I’ve been working on for months! One for my boyfriend and one for me. Previous winters, Josh was wearing a raincoat over a sweatshirt, and I was layering a fleece over a sweatshirt, so I figured it was time for new winter coats. These were taken at the […]

Join our Stash Party!

Nanette Webb

Unleash the power of your hidden fabric stash! Only 26 days until you can swap, sell or donate at Bolt & Spool’s Stash Party! Thank you to everyone who has responded thus far to our call to clean out your fabric stash to help others. We have been overwhelmed with the response! You just won’t […]

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